9 - 11 April 2025
Cape Town


Elevate travel connections

Source the best stories for the industry

Join over 300 members of the international travel trade media at the leading global event for the travel industry in the Africa. Source the best stories from over 570 exhibitors and over 8,000 visitors with attendees joining from 100 countries. The WTM Africa Media Centre offers exclusive use of workstations, Wi-Fi access, exhibitor news releases and a full media schedule of press conferences.

Get your hands on the latest, most comprehensive, insightful and story-friendly research and reports.

Get the latest news straight from WTM’s exhibitors, onsight press events, and top travel industry leaders. Attendance at WTM Africa offers the opportunity to meet and network with visiting and exhibiting industry professionals and hear the latest industry insight and opinion from renowned experts. You will also gain year-round online access to our resources to help you stay informed. 

You can also benefit from the latest, most comprehensive, insightful and story-friendly research and reports, and a dedicated press resource bringing you the latest news from WTM  Africa and the travel industry.

Press Releases

Keep up to date with the latest WTM Africa news and view our official press releases.

ATW Connect

Africa Travel Week’s digital arm, ATW Connect is a virtual hub packed to the seams with interesting content, industry news and insights, and the opportunity to hear from experts on a variety of topics in our webinar series.

Videos on Demand

Catch up on all the onsite interviews from WTM Africa here, including industry insights and sessions across the exhibition.

Media Partner

Our media partners play a key part in helping to promote World Travel Market Africa  throughout the world.

Journalism Awards

This year we recognise and award the voices who tell the unique stories of Africa through exquisite photographic, jawdropping stories and breath-taking imagery. 

Public Relations & Media

Sonnette Fourie

Big Ambitions

[email protected]

+27 81 072 2869


Want to attend WTM Africa as a member of the press?

Attendance at our show and access to our year round online resources can help you to stay informed with contacts and information you need. Get in touch to find out more about how you can meet the right contacts and find the best stories.